Sunday, January 15, 2012

Technology in Education

I honestly can't say that I had great access to technology in my schooling.  I learned how to type in Elementary School and then again in middle school, but I never took a computer class in high school.  Although I feel like I used the computers a lot, but it was mostly just for writing papers and the occasional powerpoint presentation.  And even at that, we never had a full lesson on how to make  the best powerpoint.  The one thing that I still use, technology-wise, from high school are the onlice databases that help to create works cited pages for papers.  I still find that very helpful.  Now that I am in college, a lot more teachers are using discussion boards or blogs online, which is something I am not used to, but I think it is a really effective way to share ideas within a large classroom.  I am looking forward to using that kind of technology.  As an elementary school teacher I know I am going to have to keep up with the ever-changing technology.  Kids have shorter and shorter attention spans now than they did even just five years ago.  So, in order to keep the attention of the kids in my classroom, I will have to know how to efffectively use things like a doc-cam or elmo for large class learning.  I am also going to be learning how to use prezi in one of my classes, so I think that could be a really effective cool.  I also think that I will need to have a really good knowledge of things like an iPad or tablet so that if any of my students feel the need to use one, I can control the use of it the best I can.  Hopefully, in an elementary school classroom I won't have to deal with a bunch of the kids having cell phones or ipad's but times are changing and I have a feeling that by the  time I am running my own classroom I will have a lot more of those things to contend with.


  1. Hey Kelli! I think you are right when you say that as teachers we are going to have to deal with a bunch of kids coming to school with cell phones and Ipad's and whatever else new comes out. This can be a good thing but also a huge distraction for them if used at the wrong times. I think it is interesting that you grew up not having a lot of experience with technology. Did you go to a small school? I went to a high school of 4,000 students so technology was very evident and every where you went. Almost every teacher had a smart board and used cool technology ever time they could. I believe this made learning fun. Technology is an effective tool to get students interested in learning in an exciting way. I do think as teachers we are going to have a lot of new technological options to use in our classrooms which is good but also makes me a little nervous because it takes me awhile to get familiar with how to use it!

  2. I actually didn't go to a small school. I went to a school of about 1600 students. Some teachers had the privelage of a smartboard or an ELMO in their classroom, but a lot of them didn't actually. I would definitely agree though that having technology makes learning a lot more exciting, especially for younger kids. As elementary school teachers, I think that knowing how to use technology is going to be very important. I also think we are going to have to figure out how to use it. I am kind of nervous about though too. I am kind of technologically challenged sometimes, so it is going to take a lot of practice. haha
