Monday, March 5, 2012

SMARTboards: Are they really worth it?

I thought this video and the following comments were really interesting.  The first thing that caught my attention in the video was the number of times the word easy was used.  It was really annoying, I thought.  And I am not a big fan of that word.  Teaching is hard work, and so is learning.  I understand that they meant it to mean that the smartboard was simple enough that both the students and the teachers could use it, but it would have been more effective to say that, rather than "easy"  seven mission times.  When I watched the video, that is the only thing that really caught my eye, but after reading the comments,  I see that there was a lot wrong with the video.  I definitely agree with the comments about it not really advancing the way we teach at all.  The kids were still sitting in their seats and not getting any chance to interact with the teacher or each other at all.  I think we often fall into the trap that says just because it is technology means it is a great advancement in the classroom.  But if we aer still using all the same methods we have used before, are we really changing the way the students learn?  Isn't that the goal as educators, to change the way a student thinks about the world around them?  I like the idea of having a class set of net books and a projector.  I think it would get more of the kids involved at a time.  Another really good comment was made in the comments.  When using the SMART board, the teacher's back was still to the classroom, making it hard to control the class.  True innovation is going to occur when a teacher can walk around the classroom and engage each and every student while they are teaching.  I don't really have a solution to this problem of using new "toys" to do the same old things, but I think it is a problem that should be addressed.  What do you guys think?

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